Tuesday, January 02, 2007

It's time I introduce you to the Animators of Her Hair: Andreas and Maarten. Altough I'm going to animate some parts on Her Hair myself, directing will be my number one task. Two second year students at RITS are specializing in Stop-Motion Animation and they were happy to be able to work on my graduation film. Last year they made two short films, a group effort ("Eduard") and a duo project ("Na Achten" or "After Eight"). It's these two films that convinced me to hand the larger part of my animation to them, here they are:

If their work on Her Hair will be that good, I'll be a very happy director!

See Ya!


jriggity said...

Im watchin!

thanks for sharing.

jriggity / justin

Shelley Noble said...

I'm watching too!

Everything you post is helpful, thank you.
