Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hi there!

This will need some explination...

This is an animationTEST. This way I want to gen a clear view on how the final animation will look together with the music. The music is a TEST version also. Don't mind Adam, he was lying on his bed during the testshoot, he will be sitting at his desk during the final shot.
While he is drawing, his work will pop onto the walls of his room, while an entire day will pass by...

Hope you understand my roughness... :)

By the way, I'm VERY PISSED! I see Youtube has compressed the film this way, the animation is already worthless.... Enjoy anyway. :/ (the drawings have to pop up one at the time)


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Some Pics!

Some Rigs 'n Rain for the interested. The puppets need support during animation ( specially for walks).
Animating the rain gave me a nostalgic feel, all the frustration and seeming endless animation process came back to me. I'll post another piece of film soon, the rain is now being run trough the Post Production.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Hi Everybody!

Yesterday It started raining on the set. Because I animated raindrops before, (Watch "Rain" @ the previous posts) and was pretty happy with the result, I wrote a scene with heavy rain into Her Hair. Many thanx by the way to Barry Purves and his crew on Hamilton Mattress, because it's their technique I've borrowed :)

Music is also written as we speak, the first tests sounded pretty damn good! I'll post some of it when it's finished.

In the meanwhile here's something I'm pretty proud of; Alta.

ps; a question to my co-Bloggers. Do you also find the lay-out options on Blogger a bit limited? The published version of the post always differs from the created one...weird.
See ya soon!