Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Hi Everybody!

Yesterday It started raining on the set. Because I animated raindrops before, (Watch "Rain" @ the previous posts) and was pretty happy with the result, I wrote a scene with heavy rain into Her Hair. Many thanx by the way to Barry Purves and his crew on Hamilton Mattress, because it's their technique I've borrowed :)

Music is also written as we speak, the first tests sounded pretty damn good! I'll post some of it when it's finished.

In the meanwhile here's something I'm pretty proud of; Alta.

ps; a question to my co-Bloggers. Do you also find the lay-out options on Blogger a bit limited? The published version of the post always differs from the created one...weird.
See ya soon!

1 comment:

jriggity said...

She looks really bueatifull.
