Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hi there!

This will need some explination...

This is an animationTEST. This way I want to gen a clear view on how the final animation will look together with the music. The music is a TEST version also. Don't mind Adam, he was lying on his bed during the testshoot, he will be sitting at his desk during the final shot.
While he is drawing, his work will pop onto the walls of his room, while an entire day will pass by...

Hope you understand my roughness... :)

By the way, I'm VERY PISSED! I see Youtube has compressed the film this way, the animation is already worthless.... Enjoy anyway. :/ (the drawings have to pop up one at the time)



jriggity said...

I think the idea is a cool one.
It should read just fine...Having seen the charcater drawing at the desk.



Shelley Noble said...

I think it's fantastic that you do these animation tests to work out your vision for the film!

Anonymous said...

Compression sucks, amen and stuff.

Besides, I can see your skill as a cinematographer beyond the compression that YouTube rapes everything twinge of creativity with.

Anonymous said...

Every twinge. Blah. No more caffeine for me.