Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hi everyone,

First of all, I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted something. I'm now moving towards the end of production and there's so little time left to post stuff...

Her Hair has to be finished within the next two weeks. The images are almost finished (post-production that is), the final editing is done, the music has had it's downmix and now the greatest task left will be sound-editing...

Everything goes well, apart from a chrashed computer (last week, It works again) and troubles with the external hard drive that has the entire film on it (it does the trick again, for now...). So you can see it's been an exciting time the last few weeks! But as they say: "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" ;)

However, the sets are broken down now, all the equipment back into storage. After a year it's all almost over. Her Hair has given me a pretty turbulent year and it feels good to finally have some results...

When it's finished I'll try to put the film on youtube, altough I don't really like their compression-methods (as you already know).

See ya soon! B.